The Court of Protection is a specialist court which deals with issues relating to a person who is not able to make their own decisions. The court has the authority to appoint a deputy for someone who has lost capacity, to manage that person’s affairs.

There are trained judges who deal exclusively with Court of Protection issues and sometimes it is necessary for the parties to attend court if the particular case cannot otherwise be resolved. The court will always have the best interests of the person to whom the application relates as its first consideration.

Contact us directly:

Email Rachel Cameron
Email Sarah Coyles
Email Duncan Carter
Or call us on 01228 888 999

If the person who has lost capacity has made a Lasting Power of Attorney that decides who can help them. If there is no Lasting Power of Attorney it will be necessary for someone to apply to the Court of Protection for the appointment of a deputy who largely fulfils the same role as an attorney but under the supervision of the court.