GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – Coming To You Soon

Yes GDPR will arrive on the 25th May 2018. If your business keeps/stores/uses data of any kind you could well be liable for a fine if you have not made and implemented policies and processes on what you do with this data.

How much is the fine? Either €20m or 4% of the total turnover of your business. Even for a business with a turnover of £50,000 (just £1000 a week) your fine could be £2000!

Keep Calm - GDPR

However, David Murray here at Bell Park Kerridge can give you sensible, practical advice that, if followed, should put you in a position to show the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) that you have prepared and put into action GDPR. The ICO will visit business premises over the coming years.

Why not give David a call on 01228 888 999 and see what he can offer? It could save you a lot of money!

David Murray

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